Let's go within

Beyond Reiki

After several decades of being a part of the energy healing world, I still enjoy working with groups, and teaching Reiki. I believe learning how we carry our own energy, what we can do with it and how we use it, helps us in our own personal world, our health, our relationships, and in working with others in business and in all fields of life.

Beyond Reiki is a format that I have created where I combine Immersive Meditations (going within) and Reiki energy work with my clients. Here we are able to go within, find, and open up the locked gifts and the blockages within us, thus being able to share ourselves with the world, making it a much kinder world to live in.

This is such a beautiful combination of healing within. I offer Remote Sessions, both through phone and Zoom. Contact me if you have any questions  by using the form below. I would love to set up a session with you.

Explore your options

Reiki Services

If you've done typical life coaching & therapy and are ready for something that leaves a more lasting impact, Immersive Coaching is for you. Keep reading below to explore the various ways I help you connect to your own source of inspiration & creativity by guiding you within.

6 Session Series

The Journey Within

Do you feel disconnected from the truest version of you? Would you like to finally take time, just for you, away from the static of everyone else's demands & opinions, to simply search within yourself & rediscover your connection to what you truly want, need & desire? Then, my "Journey Within" Immersive Meditation experience is for you if you want to...

Explore your thoughts & feelings to check-in with yourself

Clarify & release what is no longer serving you

Connect with & receive guidance from your inner wisdom

Reduce your stress & engage in deep relaxation

Personalized Experience

Let's Create Together

Do you have a unique challenge that you'd like to explore creating a personalized journey to assist you with? Click the button below to book a call with me to discuss the details.

Immersive Meditation

Third desired outcome

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Secondary benefit of desired outcome

Secondary benefit of desired outcome

Secondary benefit of desired outcome

Let's chat

Book Your Insight Session

Book a brief call with me using the calendar below. On this call, I'll get to know you, what your challenges are, what your desires are, and we'll find out if/how I can help!

Immersive Meditation

Third desired outcome

Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here

Secondary benefit of desired outcome

Secondary benefit of desired outcome

Secondary benefit of desired outcome